NCDIT's functional testing tools include OpenText Unified Functional Testing (UFT) and OpenText Sprinter.
When used with Quality Center, OpenText's UFT tool helps to satisfy both functional and regression test automation requirements for most major software applications and environments.
OpenText Sprinter helps in generating manual test steps.
Application Functional Testing services consists of four independent offerings:
- Application Functional Automation Testing
- Mobile & Network Testing
- Visual Regression Testing
- Test Management
For application functional automation testing, NCDIT leverages OpenText’s UFT One unified functional testing platform.
Features & Benefits
- Simulate user interaction and behavior through Record and Playback
- Unified IDE (Integrated Development Environment) allows for GUI as well as API (service) test automation
- Parameterization of data by using keyword-driven approach
- Capture objects and create verification checkpoints
- Exception handling of errors, pop-up windows or messages
- Automate repetitive actions and complex tasks
- Sharing of function libraries and objects
- New UFT canvas is a test flow pane that displays all actions/functions of the test scripts
- Build and maintain reusable scripts
- Group multiple tests into a single solution and work on them without having to close a test to work on a different test
- UFT runs on all major browsers, including Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome and Apple Safari (on remote Mac PC)
- Web services testing is now possible with UFT
- Generate manual test steps and generate smart defects with details recorded automatically using Sprinter
- Record video, capture screen shots and user actions during exploratory testing using Sprinter
- The shared test infrastructure offers 24/7 accessibility to OpenText Unified Functional Testing via virtual private network (VPN) to allow users to manage, develop, and execute test scripts for a given application. Users can then quickly review or generate reports on the test results and see if any defects are found.
- UFT is the new installment of OpenText’s automated functional testing tool. It replaces QuickTest Professional (QTP). With its redesigned integrated development environment, UFT combines all the capabilities of QTP for graphical user interface (GUI) testing and OpenText Service Test for application program interface (API) testing.
For mobile and network testing, NCDIT leverages OpenText Mobile Center, a single mobility gateway to test, monitor and optimize applications for an enhanced user experience across digital touchpoints. It enables managing real devices and apps while developing and testing mobile applications.

Features & Benefits
- Install the standalone connector for Windows, Linux or Mac OS
- Connect real devices, Android or iOS devices to the Mobile Center Connector box
- Allow others to run tests with Mobile Center by adding them to the list of Mobile Center users
- Manage Mobile lab
- Configure tests with real-time network using Network Virtualizer
- Manage workspaces
- UFT/LeanFT integration
- Writing manual and automation testcases
- Schedule the test runs

- Increase team productivity – The centralized mobile devices lab and management gateway provide remote access for geographically distributed developers and testers. They can validate all aspects of the mobile user experience, including functionality, performance, and security – without the need for physical access.
- Manual mobile testing – Increase the efficiency of manual testing activities on real devices, record manual testing steps, and create defects with steps and images.
- Mobile performance testing – Take advantage of the immediate ability to remediate problems and optimize mobile app performance.
- Reduce overall spend – Integrations with testing tools enable test automation teams to work with more flexibility and efficiency while saving time due to improved access to devices, reduced maintenance requirements and lower technical barriers. Devices are available to any authorized user, so costs are reduced by pooling devices and improving utilization rates.
- Mobile Center with network virtualization – This software enables easily and accurately recording, importing and replaying real-world network performance behavior, including conditions such as latency, packet loss, and available bandwidth. It is accessed remotely using a browser.
For visual regression testing, NCDIT uses ApplitoolsEyes, which provides an end-to-end software testing platform powered by visual artificial intelligence.
Features & Benefits
- ApplitoolsEyes detects any differences between two screen displays and can replace hundreds of lines of testing code with one smart visual scan.
- Applitools’ set of SDKs supports a wide variety of popular web, mobile and desktop test automation frameworks, along with various application driver infrastructures, programming languages and all common platforms, browsers and operating systems. These SDKs do not interact directly with the application under test, so Eyes is completely independent of how the application is implemented and deployed.
- It can be used by people in engineering, test automation, manual quality assurance, DevOps and digital transformation teams.
Technical Information
This diagram shows the major components of ApplitoolsEyes and describes how they interact to run a test and view and manage the test results.

- 1. Testers run the test suite, and the code typically repeats the following steps for multiple application states.
- 2.1. Simulate user actions (e.g., mouse click, keyboard entry) by using a driver such as Selenium or Appium.
- 2.2. Call an Eyes SDK API to perform a visual checkpoint.
- 2.2a Eyes software development kit (SDK) uses the driver to obtain a screenshot.
- 2.2b. Eyes SDK then sends the image to the Eyes Server. It and the other checkpoint images are compared to the baseline images previously stored on the server.
- 2.2a Eyes software development kit (SDK) uses the driver to obtain a screenshot.
- 2.1. Simulate user actions (e.g., mouse click, keyboard entry) by using a driver such as Selenium or Appium.
- 3. After the images in the test have been processed, the Eyes Server replies with information such as whether any differences were found and a link to the Eyes site where the results can be viewed.
- 4. Testers use the Eyes Test Manager to view the test results, update the baselines, mark bugs and annotate regions that need special handling. After viewing all the results, testers save the baseline, which then becomes the basis for comparison in the next test run.
NCDIT's test management tools include OpenText Application Lifecycle Management Quality Center and ALM Octane, which provide all the key elements of test management within a software development lifecycle.
OpenText ALM is designed to manage the various phases of the software development life cycle from managing releases, cycles, requirements, test cases and test execution to defects.
ALM increases predictability and creates a framework to manage projects from a central repository. It enables visibility of the project status to all, including stakeholders and reduces the risk associated with managing project artifacts related to various phases.

Features & Benefits
- Release management – Achieves traceability between test cases to release
- Requirement management – Ensures that the test cases cover all the specified requirements
- Test case management – Maintains the version history of the changes done to test cases, and acts as a central repository for all the test cases of an application
- Test execution management – Tracks multiple instances of test case runs, and ensures the credibility of the testing effort
- Defect management – Ensures that the major defects uncovered are visible to all major project stakeholders and that the defects follow a specified life cycle till closure
- Reports management – Ensures that reports and graphs are generated to keep track of project health
- Dashboard management
- Business process testing
- Centralized database storage
- Built-in sprint closure and retrospective capabilities
- Task and release planning boards and seamless integrations
- Access testing resources 24/7 via a web browser interface
- Facilitate and collaborate standardized testing and quality processes through a single platform
- Manage manual and automated tests from a central location
- Schedule and execute tests automatically, unattended, 24/7 when logged into an SQA Testing Services provided functional workstation
- Capture, create, report, and review defects
- Measure progress and effectiveness of testing activities
- Evaluate application readiness of a given project at any point during the testing process
- Real-time feedback on progress
- Define and maintain requirements and tests.
- Create tests
- Organize tests into logical subsets
- Schedule and execute tests
- Collect results, and analyze the data
- Create, monitor and analyze defects
- Share defects across projects
- Track project progress
- Collect metrics
- Share asset libraries across projects
- Integrate ALM with other testing tools for a complete quality management workflow automation experience
Technical Information
ALM can be integrated with different products, open-source tools Jenkins, agile-management tools and third-party tools.
- CI/CD – Jenkins and Azure DevOps
- OpenText – ALM Octane, PPM, UFT One, UFT Mobile, Fortify and Solution Business Manager
- Third-party applications – SAP Solman, Atlassian Jira and Confluence, ServiceNow, Broadcom Rally and Microsoft Excel and Word
- Open-source test and code analysis – JUnite, Nunit, Seleniu, JMeter, SocarQube and Appium

Related Resources
Technical Information
See specific service offering for technical information