Structured Cabling

The N.C. Department of Information Technology’s Structured Cabling service uses copper and fiber optic cabling infrastructure to transport data, voice and video within office buildings, campus buildings and data centers. 

Structured Cabling offers you convenient access to structured cabling infrastructure design, installation and project management. It is ideal for all government organizations – ranging from typical office environments to buildings connected on campus environments and complex data center environments.

To support your cabling needs, the Structured Cabling service team provides service in four categories:

  • Convenience Inside-Plant Cabling
  • Convenience Outside-Plant Cabling
  • Bid Inside-Plant Cabling 
  • Bid Outside-Plant Cabling 

See the Technical Information section on this page to learn more about each of these categories. 

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  • An expert Structured Cabling service team to plan and install each custom cabling system using a variety of products and services
  • Cabling installations performed in adherence to manufacturers' recommendations, North Carolina's adopted National Electrical Code and according to industry best practices and specifications
  • Competitive bid and large customer project management
  • Certified cabling infrastructure with documented test results
  • Transfer of product ownership, together with a one-year warranty on materials and installation labor, to the customer purchasing the service
  • NCDIT’s Structured Cabling service team members are Building Industry Consulting Service International, Registered Communications Distribution Designer professionals
  • Adherence to the latest Telecommunications Industry Association/Electronics Industry Alliance Telecommunications Building Wiring Standards


  • Easy access to professional structured cabling installations that ensures your job is done quickly
  • A professional Structured Cabling service team with design expertise to ensure your job is done correctly
  • Flexible cabling infrastructure supporting future technology requirements
  • Decreased downtime and sustained staff productivity as technicians easily identify and fix connectivity issues
  • Easy-to-make future performance improvements, upgrades and additions of new cabling
  • Installations performed in adherence to manufacturers and standards-based best practices that ensure quality work that results in system reliability

Request Process

To request this service, or for more information, submit a ticket using the NCDIT Service Portal.


  • Service requests that incur a cost to the agency will typically require approval from the requesting agency’s CIO, financial officer or manager, depending upon your agency's requirements. 
  • Any staff with access to the NCDIT Service Portal may engage the team for support or information.

Requirements & Customer Responsibility

Required NCDIT ServicesNone
Other Technical Requirements & PrerequisitesAccess to building facilities, including wiring closets, telecom rooms, power and HVAC, to meet wiring specifications
Customer Responsibility
  • Agency staff are required to submit a ticket using the NCDIT Service Portal for additional support or information regarding this service. 
  • The staff and agency receiving services are also responsible for coordinating cabling installation with vendors.

Expected Delivery

Acknowledgment TimeThe service team should acknowledge a service request within about 2-3 business days.
Turnaround Time

Turnaround time varies depending on the work requested as well as the complexity of the project. After detailed consultations with the customer, larger and complex outside plant projects are individually bid using Structured Cabling pre-qualified vendors. 

For example, once requirements are documented, securing a custom bid could take as little as three weeks, including a detailed onsite walkthrough with pre-qualified vendors.


Suggested ForAny state or local government agency as well as educational institutions
Required ForAll state agencies
Spotlight Customers
  • N.C. Department of Revenue 
  • N.C. National Guard
  • Winston-Salem State University
  • N.C. Community College System
  • Wake Technical Community College
  • N.C. School of Science and Mathematics

Support Process
Service Support HoursSupport for the service is available 24/7.
Service Availability
  • Installations are performed weekdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., except for holidays. 
  • Installations can be performed outside these hours but are subject to overtime and holiday labor rates.
Standard Maintenance WindowsNone. All cabling work is completed and coordinated at the request and approval of the customer.
Service CommunicationsNone. Cabling installation and support is specific to each customer and agreed upon prior to work.
Service Level AgreementsNCDIT Global Service Level Agreement

Approved rates for this service are published in the NCDIT Rate Schedule.
View NCDIT Rate Schedule

Structured Cabling Services offers four categories of service, depending on the size and scope of your cabling needs: 

  • Convenience Inside-Plant Cabling 
  • Convenience Outside-Plant Cabling 
  • Bid Inside-Plant Projects 
  • Bid Outside-Plant Projects

Convenience Inside-Plant Cabling

  • Offers menu-driven, fixed unit prices for cabling, products and labor based on the type of cables, termination methods, cable media and other factors
  • Offers the best value for small projects and projects with tight time frames

Note: A cable unit run is defined as one faceplate, including all the cables and jacks needed to terminate all the cables. A cable unit run can contain up to six four-pair cables originating from the same distribution room or closet. Available patch panel ports and patch cables are not included in cable unit run prices.

Convenience Outside-Plant Cabling

  • Offers menu-driven, fixed unit prices for cabling, products and labor based on the type of cables, termination methods and cable media
  • Projects include in-ground or aerial components, such as trenching, vibratory plowing and directional drilling
  • Offers the best value for small projects and/or projects with tight time frames

Bid Inside-Plant & Bid Outside-Plant Cabling 

These services support complex inside-plant and data center installations and larger outside-plant projects. These projects require aerial or in-ground conduit or cable placement to provide interconnectivity between buildings in a campus environment. 

These cabling services offer:

  • Detailed consultation with clients to establish specific business requirements, with consideration for customers' performance needs, site environment and project schedule
  • Creation of a comprehensive scope of work and detailed CAD drawings
  • Facilitation of a competitive bid process and vendor selection
  • Project management of implementation, including planning, construction coordination, quality control and receipt and evaluation of as-built deliverables and cable test results

Note: Design and consulting services are performed with all Bid Inside-Plant and Bid-Outside-Plant cabling projects and are included in the overall project costs. They are not billed at an additional hourly rate.

Design and Consulting Services

  • Detailed inside and outside plant design and consulting services with a billable rate per hour for a variety of customer needs
  • Available for RFP and scope of work reviews for upcoming customer projects to verify needs are met, best practices are considered and documents are inspected for errors and omissions
  • Provide complete design specifications for the customer's use
  • Expertise in wireless and fiber redundancy and backup designs
  • Project management for the customer's implementation
  • Quality assurance representation for customer

Structured Cabling are installation services, with ownership of the product transferred to the customer. Contract language provides the new owner with a one-year warranty on materials and installation labor.

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