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Electronic Content Management
The N.C. Department of Information Technology's Electronic Content Management services include three offerings you can use independently or together to provide a fully integrated, feature-rich, web-based, scalable and secure content management and collaboration solution.
NCDIT Scan Service
Electronic Document Management Service
NCDIT User Interface and Portal Service
Highlights include:
OpenText’s Documentum provides a centralized repository of content.
WebTop’s virtual desktop and Generis’ CARA document management applications integrate with Documentum to simplify content management.
Data is housed and professionally managed in North Carolina’s geographically dispersed data centers.
Scanning software and maintenance are included in the NCDIT Scan Service.
Capture documents from a variety of sources, including:
Centralized high-speed scanners
Distributed desktop scanners
Multi-function printers and fax machines
Network directories
Scanners with associated support can be purchased from a vendor.
Remote users can scan and index documents and save them in a central location for processing.
Intelligent document recognition automatically identifies and classifies multiple types of documents: structured, semi-structured, unstructured, single and multi-page.
Manual intervention or separator sheets/barcodes are unnecessary.
Use cases include tax forms, licensing documentation and medical records, among others.
Customized capture flows automatically route documents to specific users or groups.
Extract key data from documents using zonal OCR, freeform extraction or manual.
Perform field-level validations and database lookups to ensure the accuracy of extracted data.
Export content to content management, ERP, database or other systems for workflow, processing, storage and archiving.
Combining Scan and Electronic Document Management services provides additional capabilities:
Capture, store, manage, search and retrieve all types of content using a secure online repository.
Transform physical paper case files into an integrated electronic document management system for managing all case artifacts (paper, electronic and e-mail), people and processes.
Automate back-office workflows to manage specific tasks and activities or the route a document should take.
Electronic Document Management Service
Access using a standard web browser.
Library services include check-in/check-out, re-visioning and version control.
Track stages throughout a document’s lifecycle.
Workflows control how tasks are performed in a specific order or the route a document should take in a process.
Electronic documents incorporate full text automated indexing and customizable metadata (attributes) to facilitate content searching.
Create, import, version and protect document templates with different levels of security and encryption.
Manually or automatically render documents in various formats (e.g., HTML, PDF) for website publishing or document delivery.
Review and annotate documents in a generic viewer.
Security capabilities include:
N-tier security administration with content and data operating several firewalls away from the internet
Document-level 128-bit encryption
Audit trails tracking who accesses documents and when
Authentication via the statewide NCID service.
Automatic document publishing to a web server and removal.
Manual or automated email alerts inform you when work has been assigned to you
Receive alerts when a document you're interested in has been modified.
Logically link versions of the primary document.
Integrate agency applications to the document database(s) using a standardized set of APIs and tools.
NCDIT User Interface & Portal Service
Access the service with a standard web browser. Certified browsers include Edge, Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Opera.
Use Generis’ CARA application to improve document management within the Documentum repository:
Streamlined user experience with fewer screens and mouse clicks to perform tasks or see information
Look and feel of Windows Explorer, which greatly improves user adoption
Built using Google’s Web Toolkit, a very fast and stable web application
Increases performance beyond the accompanying application’s native user interface (in some cases 4-5 times faster for the same action)
Passes small fragments of information back and forth between the browser and the application server (rather than entire HTML pages) to speed up processing
Operates asynchronously, saving users from waiting for one task to finish before starting another
Offers a built-in portal providing reduced functionality for public access or third-party/customer access, including "anonymous" search, viewing and limited user functions (e.g., create/import, edit and delete)
Displays up to five default widgets on a panel for immediate access to required information, such as properties, locations, renditions, relations and versions
Uses Content Management Interoperability Services to let you switch between supported servers without impacting users
Avoid capital expenditures since the service has the storage infrastructure and software to support the scan-store-retrieve requirements of most state agencies.
Used without going through a time-consuming RFP process.
Increase operational efficiency with the ability to share files between departments (compared to the time required and cost associated with mailing files).
Service requests that incur a cost to the agency will typically require approval from the requesting agency’s CIO, financial officer or manager, depending upon your agency's requirements.
Any staff with access to the NCDIT Service Portal may engage the team for support or information.
Requirements & Customer Responsibility
Required NCDIT Services
Other Technical Requirements & Prerequisites
Scanning hardware
Internet access
Latest version of Edge, Firefox, Chrome, Safari or Opera
Customer Responsibility
Agency staff are required to submit a ticket using the NCDIT Service Portal for additional support or information regarding this service.
The staff and agency receiving services are also responsible for defining the service requirements.
Expected Delivery
Acknowledgment Time
The service team should acknowledge a service request within about 2-3 business days.
Turnaround Time
The service team should be able to complete a well-defined service request within about a week.
Procurement and licensing steps required before the delivery of services may extend the timeline.
Suggested For
Any state or local government agency as well as educational institutions